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We know social. We are deep into it. It is personal and a great media for emotional connection. Content and community are inextricably intertwined. We help brands meaningfully engage with their audiences with right ideas, platforms and utilities and remain unique and authentic. It is a transformative experience.

We are mindful of a phrase coined in 1964 by Marshall McLuhan, a visionary educator of Mass Media, in his book ‘Understanding Media’, “Medium is the Message”, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. McLuhan said that a medium affects the society in which it plays a role not only by the content delivered over the medium, but also the characteristics of the medium itself. Hence we consider Social Media is the new ‘Hot media’ to be handled in real-time. Because, one tweet, one post or one update can make or break your reputation.
We design campaign for greater outcome based on sound strategies based on good understanding of your brand’s vision, consumer insights and research. We take into account of the context, relevancy and cultural aspects in all phases of engagement with the brands.


You can leverage to convert your consumers into brand champions. A well-conceived engagement enhances relationship; elevate the consumer response, increase brand awareness and conversion to your site. Client’s unique voice, authenticity, messaging, connectivity will be achieved with the target audiences that amplifies the essence and value preposition of your brand/personality with meaningful engagement. Our strategy includes community building, providing informative, fun and entertaining content in an interactive and fast-paced environment.


Maximize your Social

We have active engagements with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Xing and Vine.


Our Social Marketing Offerings include these core elements:

  • Social Media Marketing Strategy and Brand Planning
  • Content Development & Distribution
  • Social Crisis Preparation & Management
  • Social Listening, Image analysis & Optimization
  • Community Management and Network
  • Blogger and influence relationship management
  • Monitoring, Measurement & Analysis
  • Paid Amplification
  • Strategic Partnerships and collaborations